Safaricom has overtaken Wananchi Group-owned Zuku in fixed internet connections and now controls 34 per cent of the market, latest data shows. According to statistics from the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) for the three months to September, Safaricom had 154,603 fixed home and office connections compared 151,548 for Zuku.

Read more: Safaricom strengthen its position as fixed internet market leader

Alioune Ndiaye, CEO of Orange Africa and Middle East, and Kathinka Kurz, Head of the Development Partnerships Program with the private sector ( at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, signed a partnership agreement to develop the digital skills of 20.000 young people in 14 countries in the Africa and Middle East region. Orange and GIZ as two major institutions, one recognized for its expertise and know-how in the field of innovation, the other recognized by its experience and expertise in supporting the economic and social development of partner countries, will work hand in hand to train young people in digital skills, improve their employability and thus help reduce unemployment. Both parties join forces and bundle their competences and resources, with a financial contribution of 20 million Euro by Orange, and up to 10 million Euro by GIZ. This partnership will have a long-lasting impact on the economic perspective of young people.

Read more: Orange and GIZ partner up to “make digital a chance for everyone”

Mobile network operator Orange is launching its own-branded 5G smartphone – the Orange Neva Jet – in a move that supports the adoption of 5G mobile services across its European footprint. GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company, found that telcos have entered the 5G market in terms of their go-to-market strategies, with specific commercial value propositions and smartphone bundling approaches.

Read more: Orange to launch its own-branded 5G smartphone with new-generation mobile services

Etisalat, the UAE-based telecommunications services provider, has worked with Huawei to complete the first trial of compact all-optical cross-connect (OXC) for the transport industry, enhancing connectivity and speed and delivering cutting-edge technology that promises to simplify optical architecture to build future networks.

Read more: OXC: An industry first by Huawei and Etisalat

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